Friday 22 January 2010


Datanglah beramai-ramai!!!! Tiket-tiket akan mula dijual minggu hadapan insyaallah.

Saturday 12 September 2009

Melentur Buluh Janganlah Macam Ni...

Semalam semasa di pasar, saya terserempak dengan anak-anak kecil ini...hairan jugak mainan apa yang diorang tengah "khusyuk melayan" tu??

Dekat sikit... ambik angle lain...

Lupa nak tanya nama permainan ni apa... tapi sekali tengok macam guli... baling sesuatu dari hujung sana (adik yang tak pakai baju tu) ke adik yang pakai baju hijau ni...

Fuuhhh...tengok tu skill balingan!!! Dengan wajah penuh konsentrasi dan lentikkan tangan yang sekelip mata... lebih laju dari shutter camera PDA ni...

OOOO...rupa-rupanya baling duit syiling!!! Masuk pulak tu dalam lubang kecik tu!!!

"Om...macamana main ni? Siapa Menang?" aku bertanya.

"Itu kalau baling masuk lubang boleh ambil semua wang yang lain..."

Barulah faham. Masing-masing akan baling wang syiling yang mereka ada. Bila ada seorang yang masuk lubang, maka dia ambil semua wang...

"Kalau tak ada yang masuk?"

Orang tadi menjawab, "Jadi tidak ada yang menang. Masuk baru menang..."

Peringatan: Pihak saya tidak bertanggungjawab sekiranya anak-anak anda sekiranya meniru aksi ini dirumah. Janganlah melentur rebung macam ni. Makan terus buat gulai... :)

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Rawatan dan Prosedur Yang Tidak Membatalkan Puasa

Rakan saya seorang doktor mengirimkan, (jazakumullah :) -

Petikan dibawah di ambil dari 100 Persoalan Puasa, oleh Us Hj Azhar Hj Yahya & Utz Fadilah Hj Yaacob
Petikan adalah nota persendirian

Keputusan Seminar Feqh Perubatan ke 9, yang diadakan di Casablanca, Maghribi pada 8-11 Safar 1418, bersamaan 14-17 Jun 1997

dianjurkan oleh Institut Kajian Sains dan Perubatan Sultan Hassan II
dengan kerjasama Akademi Fiqh Islam serta WHO (World Health Organization)

Ahli majlis/peserta seminar tersebut telah sepakat bersetuju bahawa perkara-perkara berikut TIDAK MEMBATALKAN PUASA.

1. Ubat tits mata, titis telinga dan basuh telinga

2. Ubat tablet bawah lidah yang digunakan oleh pesakit Angina (Jantung). [contoh: sublingual Gliceryl Trinitrate]

3. Memasukkan ubat melalui faraj, memasukkan alat perubatan, membasuh, spekulum dan jari doktor atau bidan semasa pemeriksaan vagina (sebelum bersalin) [contoh: vaginal examination, speculum examination, cervagem]

4. Memasukkan teropong ke salur kencing lelaki atau perempuan untuk penyediaan x-ray. [contoh: cystoscopy]

5. Menampal, mencabut, mengorek dan mencuci gigi atau menggunakan alatan dan berus gigi, dengan syarat TIADA apa-apa bahan yang memasuki perut dari prosedur tersebut. [contoh: Dental procedure]

6. Suntikan melalui kulit, otot, sendi atau pembuluh darah, KECUALI memberi makanan melalui pembuluh darah. [makanan i.e Total Parenteral Nutrition regime. Not sure about IV drips, vitamins, glucose, but if needed for therapeutic purposes, then it is Harus]

7. Penderma atau menerima pemindahan darah

8. Oksigen dan gas bius

9. Semua jenis bahan yang boleh menyerap ke dalam badan melalui kulit seperti krim, jelly atau plaster berubat

10. Mengambil sampel darah untuk ujian makmal

11. Sesalur dan bahan perantara untuk arteriography (pemeriksaan x-ray khas jantung) atau organ lain. [contoh: Angiography, contrast for imaging]

12. Teropong dalam rongga perut (endoskopi) untuk mencari punca penyakit.

13. Membasuh mulut, berkumur atau semburan mulut, dengan syarat tiada bahan masuk ke dalam perut. [contoh: Ear Nose Throat examination]

14. Teropong ke dalam salur peranakan atau memasukkan alat kedalamnya, (contoh: Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device)

15. Mengambil tisu (biopsi) hati atau organ lain.

Sementara iu majoriti peserta (terdapat minoriti yang tidak bersetuju ) menambah perkara berikut TIDAK MEMBATALKAN PUASA [No 16 to 20]

16. Ubat titis hidung, semburan hidung dan ubat sedut
--> additional except from page 62-63: Bagi penyakit asma atau lelah, amalan penggunaan inhaler tidak membatalkan puasanya kerana yang disedut itu ialah gas dan untuk tujuan perubatan. Ini adalah fatwa kebanyakan ulama masakini seperti Sheikh Ben Baz dan merupakan pendapat majoriti ulama yang bersidang di Seminar Feqh Perubatan ke 9.
Keharusan penggunaan inhaler bagi pesakit asma juga harus berdasarkan fatwa umum dalam masalah ini oleh Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyah. Keharusan ini meliputi teknik perubatan yang tidak menggunakan makanan atau minuman. Jika dari jenis debu maka diharuskan.
Imam Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi (Kitab al-Muhalla) juga berpendapat tidak batal puasa dalam urusan perubatan termasuk suntikan atau menghirup serbuk.

17. Sutikan ke dalam dubur, teropong dan pemeriksaan digital ke dalam dubur.

18. Pembedahan yang melibatkan bius sepenuhnya jika pesakit mengambil keputusan untuk berpuasa

19. Mesin atau dialisis buah pinggang melalui perut [i.e: Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis]

20. Penggunaan teropong perut, dengan syarat tidak memasukkan apa-apa bahan cecair atau bahan seumpamanya ke dalam perut [tidak pasti: saline for washout]

Selamat Hari Raya Buat Semua - Uhibbukum

Friday 4 September 2009

Facebook Bantu Israel- Apa Fatwa JAKIM

Global news service of the Jewish People melaporkan pada tahun 2008, Israel telah menjemput Zuckerberg menghadiri perayaan Hari Kebangsaan Israel.

Bahkan ada juga laporan yang menyebut Presiden Yahoo dan Naib-Pengasas Google juga dijemput semasa 2008.

Gambar-gambar yang disertakan adalah terbitan Al-Islam Spetember 2009 bertajuk Zuckerberg Guna Facebook Untuk Bunuh Penduduk Palestin.

Apa respons kita selaku umat Islam?

Apa fatwa para mufti sekalian?

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Holocaust's untold heroes

Interesting Copy from Dr. Musa Nordin...for the world to know

Their story is rarely told, but Albanian Muslims took in fleeing Jews during World War II, saving thousands of lives

Aug. 28, 2009, 10:47PM

The Holocaust Museum Houston is displaying photographs and stories of Albanians who rescued Jews during World War II. The project by Norman Gershman is an attempt to build bridges between Muslims and Jews. 
When no other European country dared to withstand the wrath of Nazi Germany, it was the Muslims of Albania who saved a large number of Jewish people from extermination.

Albania, a Muslim majority country in Europe, opened its borders during World War II and took in thousands of Jews fleeing from different countries. They were treated like honored guests, and many were given fake names and even passports.

This little-known chapter of history is the focus of the photographic exhibition Besa: Muslims Who Saved Jews During the Holocaust , which kicked off in July at the Holocaust Museum Houston and continues through February.

The exhibition displays photographs taken by Norman Gershman, a Jewish photographer based in Colorado, who traveled to Albania in 2003 to research the topic.
Gershman said it took him six years to complete the project. He interviewed Albanians who had harbored Jewish people at that time and were still alive and the relatives of those who were not. He took their photographs to accompany their individual stories in his book Besa: Muslims Who Saved Jews During World War II.

The photographs and stories displayed at the exhibition are taken from this book. Everyone had a different story to tell, but one thing was common.

“They were compelled to act the way they had by Besa, a code of honor deeply rooted in Albanian culture and incorporated in the faith of Albanian Muslims,” Gershman said.

He said they were dismissive of the attention they were getting.

“To them it was nothing unusual,” he said. “They believed any Albanian would have done the same in a similar situation.”

Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel, is the sponsor of this traveling exhibition.

Taking action
Marci Dallas, director of Changing Exhibits at the Holocaust Museum Houston, said the exhibition gives the message that no one should stand by during human suffering.

Eileen Reed, a visitor to the exhibit, was surprised how different people could decipher teachings of their faith differently.

“The Albanian Muslims derived inspiration from their religion to save Jews,” she said. “They were so different from those who perpetrate violence in the name of the same religion.”

Unknown history

These stories have remained unknown for decades, even to students of the Holocaust. Rob Satloff, director of the Washington Institute of Near East Policy in Washington, D.C., offers an explanation.

“First, we — Jews, Israelis, Western historians — didn't look very hard,” Satloff said. “And second, they — Arabs and Muslims, even those who rescued Jews — often did not want to be found. The result is a tacit conspiracy of silence about this lost chapter from the Holocaust.”

Satloff wrote the book Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands.
Ellen Kennedy, interim director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Minnesota, believes these stories remained untold because many surviving Jews and Albanians were reluctant to share them.

“When survivors first began speaking about their experiences in the years immediately after the war, they were met with disbelief,” Kennedy said. “The public simply could not imagine that such horrors occurred.”
Gershman's work is an attempt at building bridges between Muslims and people of Jewish faith.
“Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic faiths, and we have lot of things in common,” said Dr. Aziz Siddiqui, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston. “We must strive to highlight these as Gershman has done and avoid everything that tends to divide us.”
-- Amir

Monday 31 August 2009

Game Sirah Nabawiyyah

Ada jugak game macam ni... sekadar nak kongsi. Saya sendiri tak try lagi. Klik gambar untuk ke game penuh...